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Tri 1: Java and Spring Intro


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Navigate to the notes on our project’s progress!:

Overview of Scrum Board


Maintaining Master Plan

Timeline dictates the schedule in which our group will go on, with the tickets reflecting assignment of tasks to each individual SCRUM MASTER COMMENT: We were overall on schedule to completing the project on time, although since we did not leave much time to spare for fine-tuning details in the project, aspects of the project may be messy or not look polished on the frontend. Additionally, we struggled slightly in the end of 2nd and beginning of 3rd week since much of the group was out with COVID. Our group still maintained in contact w/ eachother (and scrum master), but since people were working at different times, it was not as ideal as getting work done together in class. Still, we completed our major features in time

Team Assessment

20/21 (not including 5 for seed, 5 for teacher final assessment, and 4 for individual assignments and completion)

Notes on project progress:

Week 1 notes:

Week 2 notes:

Week 3 notes: