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Tri 1: Java and Spring Intro


Team Page

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Team Roles:

Scrum Master: Rachel Wei

As the Scrum Master, Rachel is responsible for…

  1. organizing team activity
  2. managing the scrum board

    Github Admin: Calvin Cheah

    As the Github Admin, Calvin is responsible for…

  3. organizing branches

    Technical Officer: Yajat Yadav

    As the Technical Officer, Yajat is responsible for…

  4. Creating a database for the student info (grade, table number, etc.)
  5. Creating algorithms to randomize and save student assignment + manual modifications by teacher
  6. Implementing different options for user to input data (excel files, txt files, manual entry)

    Design Manager: Devam Shrivastava

    As the Design Manager, Devam is responsible for…

  7. managing the CSS and layouts
  8. designing the overall theme and style of the website

    Deployment Manager: Harry Li

    As the Depolyment Manager, Harry is responsible for…

  9. depolying the website
  10. keeping the deployed website up to date