Navigating Notes and Plans for Each Tech Talk

In each Tech Talk, I will prepare questions and review the Tech Talk material beforehand. I will take notes on important key concepts for each TT.

After completing the challenges associated with each TT, I will record my progress, struggles & key learnings in this Github Page (or on an alternative Jekyll site). TT challenge code will be executable through


Data Structures are: method of organizing data. Types of data structures –> primitive (intger, float, String, Boolean) & Non-primitive (Arrays, Lists) image

Data Structures and Algorithms go together

  • Data structures have the data & the algorithms access the data
  • similar to how a for loop iterates through an array to access the data in an array

Imperative Paradigm & Object Oriented Paradigm

  • Imperative paradigm – uses statements to change a program’s states
  • Procedural Programming is a type of imeprative programming based on procedures
  • Object Oriented programming – classes and objects (what we’ve been doing in class) – defining classes, extending classes, subclass-specific behavior & polymorphism

Structured programming has techniques to improve maintainability (diff from imperative paradigm)


Linked Lists: image Each object in a linked list have the data and a pointer to the next object.

  • Linked lists are a way of managing a list of objects

To access the data from an object, tmp illustrates this

Queues (First in First out)

keeping track of first in & first out

  • need to keep track of current node for iteration
Stacks (Last in First Out)
  • built using linked list objects keep track of last item inserted


Mathematical expressions are essentially a finite combination of symbols that execute according to certain rules

We convert strings to Reverse Polish Notation using Shunting-yard algorithm

Shunting-Yard Algorithm

Essentially an algorithm used to parse arithmetical expressions (so, algorithm for PEMDAS expressions)

  • It is stack-based

Infix expressions: The mathematical notation most people are used to

  • e.g.: 3 + 4
  • 3 + 4 x (2-1)

The program converts the infix expressions to Reverse Polish notation

  • “3 4 +”
  • “3 4 2 1 - x +”


For the challenge this week:

  • Need to consider how numbers need to be formatted from infix expressions to RPN
  • Figure out the operators & seperators Hash Map thing
STEPS for calculating RPN:
  1. seperate numbers from String into tokens
  2. Put the tokens into RPN
  3. Change RPN to calculation

CHALLENGES: need to write calculator write “power of” operation