Test Prep Plans and Participation

I will follow what our Operational Officer has decided to do for our 10-person study team review. I will also be doing my additional own review, which is detailed below.

To prepare for the AP exam, by the AP Exam I will have done the full pracitce MC questions and FRQ questions from 2010 to most recently (or others, as I see fit). I will also be reviewing specific content that I find difficult by re-watching College Board videos or using other resources on the internet to practice more specific topics.

Topics I need to focus on:

  • Writing and creating classes
  • 2D Arrays (and nested for loops)
  • ArrayLists and the special functions they have
  • Recursive functions
  • Inheritance: parent & child classes, super() keyword
  • enhanced for loops
  • When to use specific keywords for classes: private/public, static, void, when a return statement is necessary
  • Different search algorithms